Would You Want to Be Your Horse?
Now here is an
interesting question to contemplate the next time you ride. Would you like to be your horse right now if
that meant carrying you on your back? I
heard a clinician recently ask this question and I thought it was brilliant.
She was speaking to someone who was very stuck in her hip joints and was not
following the movement of the horse. She
was also stuck in the shoulders so her hands were not softly following the
horse’s head movement, and every time his head moved as he walked his mouth banged
against the immobile bit.
The question was not
asked in a negative insulting way, but rather in a supportive way that really
encouraged the rider to think about how her horse was feeling in response to
what she was or was not doing. The rider
thought briefly about the question and shortly afterward answered “no”. The clinician asked her to describe why and
she quickly identified her stuck seat and stuck hands. It didn’t take long for her to refocus her
awareness to these issues and correct them.
I spoke to the rider after
her lesson and she was amazed. She said
that she has been told many times by instructors to “soften her hands” and “loosen
her seat” and she tries to do as they request believing she has accomplished
it. Only to be told the exact same thing
the next lesson. For some reason, she
observed, despite her best intentions she just couldn’t seem to make the
positive changes she made stick beyond a lesson. Being asked to consider whether or not she
would like to be her horse was like someone switched on a lightbulb for
her. She was even more amazed the next
day when she approached her riding from this perspective and was able to keep
her seat less tight and her hands softer.
What if everyone
applied this question to their riding all of the time? And then made an effort to change whatever it
is that would make it undesirable to be your horse, whether it be riding
position, tack or something else. I
think we would find more people with better awareness of their own balance
(would you like to carry around a knapsack weighing one tenth of your weight
that is lopsided?). I think we would see
closer attention paid to saddle fit, girth over-tightening and bit fitting. For
example, have you ever held a bit in one hand that has leather reins attached
to the bit ring and a bit in the other hand that has reins clipped to the bit
ring by a metal clip? Try it, and get
someone to jiggle the reins. The
difference is remarkable. The harshness
of the metal clip on the metal bit ring travels through the bit and is horrible
compared to the leather on the bit ring.
Many people use these types of reins for convenience, but if they
thought about which reins their horse would choose if he could, their choice
would likely be different.
So, periodically as
you ride ask yourself “Would I want to be my horse right now?” If the answer is no, make a change that would
enable you to answer yes.
Take home message for
equestrian educators
As equestrian
educators we have as much responsibility for the welfare of the horses that
help us teach our students as we do for the students. Therefore, we should take every opportunity
to foster empathy for horses in our students.
I asked a similar question to the one above to a student of mine
once. We had been working on a lesson
program over several months to help her horse move less on the forehand. He was coming back to riding after being laid
off due to a lameness issue that was exacerbated by being ridden on the
forehand. He was gradually beginning to
develop a stronger back and hind end muscles through lots of slow-paced careful
work in hand and under saddle. One day I
came out to the arena and to my surprise, I saw my student riding her horse at
a very fast trot with a hollow back. The
student was smiling and the horse looked miserable. He was clearly uncomfortable. Although it was not a lesson night I stopped
her and asked her what she was doing.
She replied that she just really felt like going fast tonight for the
first time in a long while because she finds it more fun to go fast. I asked her “how do you think your horse
feels about that?” She was quiet for a
moment and then she identified that this was probably not the best thing for
him right now. I agreed and left them to the rest of their ride, which she refocused
on work that was both more comfortable and more beneficial for her horse. Later, she found me in the stable and thanked
me for stopping her. She identified that
she had not been thinking of her horse first and that was wrong.
There was no question
in my mind that I had to try and intervene in that circumstance for the benefit
of the horse. Doing it in a way that
asked the student to think about how her horse was feeling proved to be a
useful way to refocus her thinking and an opportunity to try and improve her
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